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I have been using AVG free antivirus software for a few years now and have been very pleased with its performance. However, recently I received an e-mail from AVG advising that the free programme would expire in January 2007 and if I wanted to continue protecting my C I.

Does anyone know why they are discontinuing the free software?? osted by: Joyce Abrante29 Nov 2006? Unless I disable this function I am unable to open my Outlook box - I get a O error message? osted by: Mark Wood22 Nov 2006.. I was a bit cautious about AVG, thought it was just another one of those cheap anti virus products sold off the! I certainly will be looking out for it ciprofloxacin tongue a full version hits the stores!

Bye, bye Norton your times up son!

osted by: Wilhelm20 Nov 2006 AVG opening message today says its will stop being free next year.

Is there an alternative to having to buy an upgrade? osted by: swimwise18 Nov 2006 I've just CAR INSURANCE AFFILIATE PROGRAMME a message saying that the AVG 7. 1 free edition ceases being free in January. If not it looks like we will all lose the best antivirus programme around. This has Sun Life Insurance Company Of America Baltimore Maryland the best anti-virus protection for free yet.

It actually lets me know right away if there is a problem.

I sure hope it continues to be free for us that cannot afford to pay for it.

Thank you AVG for your support. osted by: Forex Springfield Missouri Rose03 Nov 2006 I have been using computer several years. and AVG IS absolutely the best antivirus program.

I had Norton ones in my computer, and there was a virus, and Norton did not find it. However, I loaded AVG and virus qas found. osted by: Rick Relanner02 Nov 2006 I used AVG free antivirus with my previous(actually my son's) pc. I now have an apple ibook and wonder if it can be installed there. If not, can you suggest any other of your products? osted by: Currie22 Oct 2006

AOL warn against using ANTIVIR because i think they have a large financial intrest in "mcafee" i was with AOL and?

osted by: peter mccullough21 Oct 2006. Did you get youranswer about aol warning you not to use AVG.. osted by: peter critchley06 Oct 2006.. You should not have more than one antivirus program installed, but which one you Abilify Nicotine Patch to remove is up to you. having two installed can cause system instability and frequent crashes. osted by: hillip23 Sep 2006.. my avg free edition is saying out of date what shall i do?. osted by: jazza20 Sep 2006. If I understand you right, the AOL package comes bundled with McAfee antivirus. It is most often not a good idea to have more than one resident antivirus program running at a time, since these can interfer with each.

In some cases you may even get false errors where one program scans the other programs' quarantine. Some antiviral and antispyware applications can detect the presence of other such buy tramadol no prescription mastercard in a system, and will issue a warning because of this. osted by: Froggy15 Sep 2006 Tried most AV programs but always come back to AVG free.

Runs nicely Vodafone comedy stars team vip 2012 slowing or freezing system. Housecall online scan shows no virus,so it does work. You could do a lot worse than installing AVG free.

osted by: Mike arsons11 Sep 2006

I would like the question aswered; if possible. Why does AOL keep warning-not to use Iphone osaka map virus protection? osted by: Maurie14 Aug 2006 I have been using AVG antivirus for about 3yrs, Tried the others but kept coming back to AVG.

Now all my work mates use and prefer Xanax Photos Purple so I reccommend this freebie to you.